Rutherford Appleton Labs,
Home of UK major scientific facilities including:
Central Laser Facility – World leading Laser research lab that can recreate conditions inside stars
ISIS Pulsed Neutron & Muon Source
Diamond Light Source Synchrotron
The Chiller and Heatpump will serve new research labs simulating space temperatures and vacuum to test aeronautical and space vehicle components.
Chiller installed are
AZURA V SLN 4T 80.2 (Omicron V Evo), 600kw of cooling and heating down to -8C
COBALT A 73.2 SLN (Kappa V Evo), 680kW of Cooling
2x Datatech BTD UEDA 46.2 HH + 4x NHNM 1245.2 230/1/60 R410A installed in main DATACENTER of this company (TIA ECUADOR). All units powered ...
Coolblade DX 12L + Epsilon Echos + LE 15 to add 12kW to an initial installation to arrive to 24 kW in this MiniDataCenter. Units working wi...
2x Datatech BTD UEDA 46.2 HH + 4x NHNM 1245.2 230/1/60 R410A installed in main DATACENTER of this company (TIA ECUADOR). All units powered ...