2 heat pumps Zeta Rev HP XT LN 12.4 for extremely low ambient air temperature, installed in Horizon building in Warsaw.
Our system delivers heat water for AHU units for the canteen in this building.
Monovalent air heat sources with Multilogic system guarantees 160 kW heating capacity up to -20 C outdoor air temperature.
Cooling capacity 250kW.
2x Datatech BTD UEDA 46.2 HH + 4x NHNM 1245.2 230/1/60 R410A installed in main DATACENTER of this company (TIA ECUADOR). All units powered ...
Coolblade DX 12L + Epsilon Echos + LE 15 to add 12kW to an initial installation to arrive to 24 kW in this MiniDataCenter. Units working wi...
2x Datatech BTD UEDA 46.2 HH + 4x NHNM 1245.2 230/1/60 R410A installed in main DATACENTER of this company (TIA ECUADOR). All units powered ...