GOMAN Bakeriet, Figgjo Norway.
New plant for hamburger and sausage bread production. Capasity of 17000 bread per hour.
1 x ZETA REV HE LN 6.2 Controlled atmosphere inside cooling tunnel for products.
1 x ZETA REV HE LN 8.2 PRE Cooling of bread tray before new bakery process.
1 x PSM 130 400 ltr reservoir for heat recover
2x Datatech BTD UEDA 46.2 HH + 4x NHNM 1245.2 230/1/60 R410A installed in main DATACENTER of this company (TIA ECUADOR). All units powered ...
Coolblade DX 12L + Epsilon Echos + LE 15 to add 12kW to an initial installation to arrive to 24 kW in this MiniDataCenter. Units working wi...
2x Datatech BTD UEDA 46.2 HH + 4x NHNM 1245.2 230/1/60 R410A installed in main DATACENTER of this company (TIA ECUADOR). All units powered ...