In the heart of technological hubs, Swegon India's PAHU whispered into the corridors of hyperscale data centers. A marvel of engineering prowess, it tamed the colossal heat of 63,000 kW/18,000 TR effortlessly. Efficiency soared, as did whispers of its prowess spreading through the industry grapevine. Swegon's PAHU, a beacon of sustainable cooling solutions, stood as a testament to ingenuity, shaping the future of digital infrastructure with every whisper of chilled air.
In Datacentre City located at Navi Mumbai- India , Swegon has provided cooling solution to CTRLS DC4 Building of 184 units of Close Control Precision Air Handling Units for Server Farm.
2x Datatech BTD UEDA 46.2 HH + 4x NHNM 1245.2 230/1/60 R410A installed in main DATACENTER of this company (TIA ECUADOR). All units powered ...
Coolblade DX 12L + Epsilon Echos + LE 15 to add 12kW to an initial installation to arrive to 24 kW in this MiniDataCenter. Units working wi...
2x Datatech BTD UEDA 46.2 HH + 4x NHNM 1245.2 230/1/60 R410A installed in main DATACENTER of this company (TIA ECUADOR). All units powered ...