70 ÷ 260 kW
Datatech BTD PFW represents the ultimate expression of power and efficiency rea...
Datatech BTD PFW represents the ultimate expression of power and efficiency rea...
Datatech+ BTD represents the state of the art as regards efficient, precise and relia...
The Coolblade range is specifically dedicated to Data Centres, in applications charac...
Coolblade In Rack has been designed for IT Cooling applications. Thanks to the extrem...
Precision air-conditioners that guarantee safe working conditions for data centres, c...
Precision air-conditioners that guarantee safe working conditions for data centres, c...
Package air conditioning units for outdoor installation designed and manufactured mai...
Package air conditioning units for indoor installation designed and manufactured main...
The Coolblade range is specifically dedicated to Data Centres, in applications charac...
GeneralAir conditioners specifically designed for IT applications: maximisation of se...
RC-BlueThe new generation of remote condensers RC Blue is a competitive series of hea...
Fan Wall Units specifically designed for IT applications: maximization of sensible ca...