70 ÷ 260 kW

Datatech BTD PFW represents the ultimate expression of power and efficiency reached in air conditioning units for large computer rooms. The maximiza- tion of the heat exchange surface, the separated fan section housed under the raised floor and the advanced control logic make Datatech BTD PFW the ideal solution for various data center layouts.
Quick facts
- High sensible cooling per square meter of footprint
- Exceptionally high efficiency of EC motor driven plastic impeller radial fans
- Wide range of cooling capacities
- Configurable, Precise and Flexible control of fan speed and chilled water valve.
- Dual-Coil and Dual Power Supply options for redun- dancy applications
- Exhaustive list of options (electrical heaters, humi- difier, condensate pump, BMS interface cards..)
- Easy installation of 2 prewired sections
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