30 ÷ 200 kW

Chiller and reversible heat pumps with full inverter reciprocating compressors and plate heat exchangers. Extended range, versatile applications.
- Hi: chiller with inverter compressor
- Hi HP: Reversible heat pump version, with inverter compressor
- /SLN: super low noise version
- /DS: execution featuring a desuperheater
- /DC: execution with recovery condenser
Refrigerant R290 - GWP≈0
Low refrigerant charge
Eurovent Certified Performance
Chiller. Versatile application: water temperature from -15°C up to 20°C. Operation in a wide range of environmental conditions.
Heat Pump.High outlet water temperature: up to +63°C.
Heat Pump. Down to -20°C ambient temperature with outlet water up to +50°C
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