AiCARR Associazione meetings are always a breath of fresh air and innovation, a safe home for the HVAC industry.
The Technical Meeting "TECHNOLOGICAL EVOLUTION AND WELL-BEING SUSTAINABILITY": regulatory updates and decarbonization for HVAC systems" held yesterday, in collaboration with SWEGON ITALIA, has been a rational and pragmatic discussion about the building certification, the proposal to revise the Energy Efficiency in Buildings Directive (#EPBD
) and the new F-GAS Regulation, that will have important effects in the immediate future of our sector not only for redevelopment of the existing buildings, but also for the increasing importance of aspects related to comfort and in general to the well-being of people. Among the experts Stefano Fabbretti
and Gabriele Frison
discussed about the new regulations, sustainability, A3 refrigerants and plant safety, with a focus on propane, the most sustainable choice for the future.Great number of people in presence and over 150 participants attending remotely.