Together with Eurovent, we join the campaign #temperaturematters...absolutely!, promoted by the 'Word Rerigeration Day' movement.
Fabio Polo, our Product Management Manager explains why for us #temperaturematters:
Waste heat represents a huge untapped potential for the future of the space heating decarbonization. I see recovering waste heat from applications which needs cooling for the whole year (for example Data Center) as something which in future should be mandatory in most of the cases, as alternatives like Freecooling are never free and always a waste of precious heat.
To properly use this heat recovered, its temperature matters. In fact, it has to be at the right temperature for the application receiving it. Wrong or uncontrolled temperature will compromise the possibility to use this recovered energy not allowing a proper comfort for the heated space.
For similar cases polyvalent units can play a key role providing a great temperature control both on the cooling as the heating side. Therefore contemporary ensuring both the continuity of the process which needs cooling for the whole year and as well the right amount of heat at the right temperature to the space heating application.