Efficiency on Datacenter
Efficiency on Datacenters means high ROI, means high quality components, means also less maintenance. Cost saving is just a matter of quality.
Speaking of energy consumed by data centers as a problem of urgent relevance is necessary because, unlike what one might expect, the share of world energy demand for the operation of the digital world is significant. It is often said that “if the data center were a country, would be equivalent to ...” and the graph is a clear example.
Simultaneously, all forecasts give significant increases in data traffic and the development of new infrastructure in the coming years, and therefore not surprisingly the issue of the reduction of energy expended by the data center is, and probably will continue to be, a key factor for the development of related industry.
Source: Greenpeace International, How clean is your cloud, April 2012.
Note: Cloud consumption here includes telecomunication infrastructure, but not the entire ICT ecosystem.
Data Source: Cysco,
The Zetatbyte Era
Note: At 80 Zettabyte
monthly, the world enters
the zettabyte per year era